CMDB Relation Health report shows not compliant with suggested relationships for some OOTB relationsSummaryCMDB Relation Health report may show not compliant with suggested relationships for some OOTB relations. But the "Relationships not compliant with all relationship rules" report may consider them compliant. One example is the relation "Contains::Contained by" between cmdb_ci_cloud_database and cmdb_ci_database, which is typically created by Azure Database pattern. The relation "Contains::Contained by" is correct and matching the containment rule. However this relation type is not shown in the suggested relationships in CI Class manager for cmdb_ci_cloud_database, as the suggested relationships are inherited from the parent class Application. Not all dependent relations should be part of suggested relations. The non-compliant suggested relations report is just FYI but not a concern. Customers only need to look at "Relationships not compliant with all relationship rules" report for CMDB relation health.