Popular Services applet not working in the Now Mobile appDescriptionThe 'Popular Services' Applet doesn't show any records in the NOW mobile app. Also, the list v_st_popular_item.list doesn't return any records. The following errors can be found in the logs when the remote table: v_st_popular_item is accessed.log23:55:50.351 Evaluator: java.lang.NullPointerException Caused by error in Remote Table: 'v_st_popular_item' at line 120 117: function isAssociatedWithCatalog(catItem) { 118: for (var i=0; i<catalogs.length; i++) { 119: if (catItem.isAssociatedWithCatalog(catalogs[i])) ==> 120: return true; 121: } 122: return false; 123: } com.glideapp.servicecatalog.CatalogItem.isAssociatedWithCatalog(CatalogItem.java:682)Steps to Reproduce 1. Access the instance on the desktop2. Go to sc_req_item.list 3. Empty the 'Item' field for one of the records that are created in the Last 12 monthsor4. Go to sc_item_produced_record.list5. Empty the 'Producer' field for one of the recent records created in the last 12 months6. Log in to the instance on the NOW mobile app7. Go to Services > Popular ServicesActual behavior: The 'Popular Services' applet doesn't show any records / v_st_popular_item.list doesn't return the recordsExpected behavior: The 'Popular Services' applet should show the record / v_st_popular_item.list should return the recordsWorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.Related Problem: PRB1429177