Orphaned records in table: sys_json_chunkDescriptionIf after taking actions in KB0854271: Options to maintain/cleanup Flow Designer table: sys_json_chunk and checking again, say, after 2-3 weeks later (to allow table cleaner to do its thing), you note that the count (of records) is still high despite a large reduction in the number of records in sys_flow_context and other Flow Designer flow related tables, one probable reason may be due to orphaned records. As these records are orphaned, they will not be removed by the out-of-the-box table cleanup rules. A probable cause for the orphaned records would be due to this known issue where the delete of the sys_json_chunk records via table cleaner is not complete. Please note that the table cleaner job runs may not always cause orphaned records. For the majority of the instances, this issue (orphaned sys_json_chunk records) did not occur. Please note that there should not be an impact to the instance performance due to the size of the sys_json_chunk table as the records in this table are accessed by the platform using a combination of source_table and document_id which are indexed. The sys_json_chunk records are not usually accessed in a listview or other user/api transactions. Steps to Reproduce If you access a sys_json_chunk record and the parent field is blank (no display value), this would be an orphaned record. Please note that there are no definitive steps to reproduce the orphaned records due to the nature of the issue.WorkaroundThere is no workaround. Please upgrade to a fixed release (or later). The fix for this issue consists of the following: i. changes in code to prevent new orphaned sys_json_chunk records ii. a new scheduled job to cleanup the existing orphaned sys_json_chunk records. Please note that as there are new objects such as database views that are included in the fixed releases, the scheduled job alone cannot be re-created and run in releases prior to the fixed releases. If the sys_json_chunk is too large, Support may reach out to you to perform a one time cleanup. Similarly, if the number of sys_json_chunk records is very large (>1 million) and the instance is on a release prior to the fixed releases; and you would like Support to check if this is due to the existence of orphaned records and perform a one-time cleanup, please create a new case in HI and mention KB0860590 and/or PRB1424378 in the subject. Related Problem: PRB1424378