The reference field of a translated text set as display value shows the original values in English when switching to a different languageDescriptionWhen setting a translated text field as Display value, the Reference field which refers to the record shows the values in English when switched to a different language. It is not translated.Steps to Reproduce 1) Go to dictionary entry of 'name' field for cmdb_model table.2) Change the type of this to "Translated text" and check the "Display" field to make it be the display value for this table.3) Ensure that there's no any other display value field being used on this table (i.e. display_name).4) Now create one custom table (A) and make that extends cmdb_model.5) Create another custom table (B) and make it extends alm_asset (since this table has a reference field, model, that references cmdb_model already).6) On custom table, B create a new record.7) On the Model field click on the magnifying glass and create a new record -> Select custom table A when it asks for which class.8) On the custom table A form, populate the "Name" field with "In English" value, saved.9) Back to custom table B, save the record.10) Now open up the record from custom table A that we've created earlier (with name "In English").11) Switch to another language and change the name value to "In Translated" (this is so we have a translated value for this field).12) While still on non-English language, on the same custom table B record, refresh it and see that the "Model" field displays "In English" (when it should be "In Translated").13) Inspect the XML of this record. The display value of this field shows "In Translated". Only on the form it shows "In English". The popup view shows name "In Translated" as well as the list view.WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form.Related Problem: PRB1411114