Record Producer Order only works on Service Portal but not in Native Platform Service Catalog UIDescriptionAll the catalog items/record producers have order as 0, they are shown alphabetically on the service portal under respective categories. I changed the order for one of the record producer to -100 to show it above all under certain category as I do not want to update all orders or want to remove the alphabetical structure for other categories On service portal the record producer is at the top because of the order but for native UI in self service>service catalog under the same category it comes alphabetically and not as the top item.CauseFrom London and higher version Service catalog items does not accept negative value in order field.ResolutionUpdate the order of catalog item to 0 which you want to show on top and rest of them as 1(which will arrange in alphabetical order) , you can give order like 0,1,2,3 and so on if you want to specific catalog items in that order.