Push notification from Servicenow are not processed on the Android deviceSummaryThe below document gives detailed instructions to create Push notification with the required content from Servicenow. https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=r_PushNotificationSetupCustom.html&version=latest When the push notification is triggered from Servicenow, it is sent to Google Firebase, from which it will be pushed to end user's Android device. All push message content generated from servicenow is wrapped under 'data' key which is the root key for json payload. Sample payload generated from Servicenow : "data" : {"instance_id" :xxxxxx,"instance_name" : xxxxxxx,"message" : "message"},"registration_ids" : [ "xxxxxxxxxxxxx" ]} There are scenarios, where custom mobile app is used at end user's device, and the Android OS in the device expects few reserved keywords in the payload at the root level along with 'data'. Examples of few keywords expected by Android OS : 'android', 'notification'. If the OS does not find the tags at the root level of the payload, the notification is not processed, and user will not be notified. Reason for this behaviour : The ServiceNow implementation currently supports only the 'data' key at the root of the JSON.In fact there is internal logic which adds the 'data' key as the root. This is performed in the backend code and not modifiable.Whatever is produced by the JSON push message content record is 'wrapped' inside of the 'data' key. Please refer to the docs below for additional payload formats supported by Google Firebase : https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/concept-options#notifications_and_data_messages if there is a requirement for Servicenow to support other payload formats like in Firebase, please post it in the IDEA Management Portal for new feature requests. Please refer to the KB below using IDEA Management Portal : https://hi.service-now.com/kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0755878