Discovery Error on HAProxy Discovery: Cannot locate config file: /elastic_cloud_apps/haproxy/ - Exit status: 1DescriptionWhen I running discovery for HAProxy, the following error comes up in the Discovery Log: Cannot locate config file: /elastic_cloud_apps/haproxy/ - Exit status: 1Release or EnvironmentAny And allCauseThe classification script for the HAProxy Process Classifier creates a variable called hp_cfgThe value of this variable it generally evaluates to:" /opt/kibana/haproxy-2.1.2/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg"In the process classifier it runs 2 triggered probes. One of them is HAProxy - Get Configuration:https://<InstanceName> probe runs a shell script that is specified in the probe parameters called get-hacfg.shWhen it runs this probe it adds the argument for hp_cfg, essentially hp_cfgwhich technically translates /opt/kibana/haproxy-2.1.2/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfgWhen we look at that script, the very beginning runs this code block:# if no path for haproxy.cfg then exitif [ ! -f $CFG_LOCATION ]; thenecho "Cannot locate config file: $CFG_LOCATION"exit 1fi ResolutionCheck the permissions of the credential being used and make sure it can access the file /opt/kibana/haproxy-2.1.2/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg on the target host