After clone completion orphan records are observed in sys_connection ,jdbc_connection and may be others TPC child tables.Issue After clone completion Orphan records are observed in sys_connection table.ReleaseAll ReleaseCauseIn an out of box instance following is configuration Exclude : sys_connection [ only base table and not child tables ] Preserve : sys_connection [only base table and not child tables ] Existing PRB1403259 [ Clone - Excluding base TPC table doesn't exclude child tables extending it] is FIXED on 28th May 2020 Due to which if base table is in Exclude configuration of the source instance, it will automatically exclude child tables too [ if it is TPC ( table per class ) table], in this example EXCLUDE was applied for [ sys_connection , jdbc_connection , http_connection ], BUT PRESERVE was only applied to [ sys_connection ]. Exclude Config Preserve Config Orphan records example : Resolution0. Script to find list of orphan records and table/class contributing to orphan records is following. findOrphans('sys_connection', null, false); // ============== WARNING ================ //// Do not modify anything below this line! //// ======================================= //function findOrphans(table, query, remove) { GlideTransaction.get().setAllowExcessiveLogging(true); if (gs.getCurrentScopeName() != '') {"This script must be run in the global scope. Please switch your scope and try again."); return; } var orphanCount = 0, removedCount = 0; var gr = new GlideRecord(table); if (query !== null) {"Querying " + table + " with encoded query: " + query); gr.addEncodedQuery(query); } else"Querying all rows on " + table); gr.query(); gr.setWorkflow(false); while( { if(isOrphan(gr)) {"Found orphan on " + table + " (Class: " + gr.sys_class_name + " - Sys ID: " + gr.sys_id + ")"); orphanCount++; } }"Total orphans found: " + orphanCount);} function isOrphan(gr) { if(gr.sys_class_name == null || gr.sys_class_name == '') return false; var childClass = new GlideRecord(gr.sys_class_name); if(!childClass.isValid()) return true; childClass.get(gr.sys_id); return !childClass.isValidRecord();} 1. Cleanup of orphan records, navigate to Scripts - Background of the instance, and run following Script. findOrphans('sys_connection', null, true); // ============== WARNING ================ // // Do not modify anything below this line! // // ======================================= // function findOrphans(table, query, remove) { if (gs.getCurrentScopeName() != '') {"This script must be run in the global scope. Please switch your scope and try again."); return; } var orphanCount = 0, removedCount = 0; var gr = new GlideRecord(table); if (query !== null) {"Querying " + table + " with encoded query: " + query); gr.addEncodedQuery(query); } else"Querying all rows on " + table); gr.query(); gr.setWorkflow(false); while( { if(isOrphan(gr)) {"Found orphan on " + table + " (Class: " + gr.sys_class_name + " - Sys ID: " + gr.sys_id + ")"); orphanCount++; if (remove === true) {"Removing orphan"); gr.sys_class_name = table; gr.update(); gr.deleteRecord(); removedCount++; } } }"Total orphans found: " + orphanCount);"Total orphans removed: " + removedCount); } function isOrphan(gr) { if(gr.sys_class_name == null || gr.sys_class_name == '') return false; var childClass = new GlideRecord(gr.sys_class_name); if(!childClass.isValid()) return true; childClass.get(gr.sys_id); return !childClass.isValidRecord(); }+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. How to avoid this in the future? Please manually add child tables in the Preserve configuration of the source instance. In this example: Please add the following tables ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ jdbc_connectionhttp_connectionorch_jms_ds OR any other table which EXTENDS to sys_connection Ho to create a Data Preserver ?