Project Percent Complete field Decreasing UnexpectedlyIssue When user makes changes to project tasks (e.g. state moved to closed complete, or modifying the planned duration of the task), the percent_complete field decreased (e.g. 67% --> 45%).ReleaseAll ReleasesCauseThe issue is expected. When the planned duration of a task is increased, the overall percent complete of the parent will decrease. This was due to the user updating the planned duration from 30 days to 60 days. Since it will take more time in order to complete the project, the project percent_complete is scaled according to the new duration. *Percent complete was updated by Business Rule "Update Parent Percent Complete" (/") In the code snippet below, if the "current.duration.changes()", then a roll-up will occur. if(!current.parent.nil() && (current.percent_complete.changes() || current.duration.changes()))rollupAPI.rollup(current, 'percent_complete', true);ResolutionWorking as expected.