Multiple xmlhttp request causes performance onchange load for dependent choice list fields on form with is_searchable_choice attribute set to trueDescriptionDrop down doesn't populate for awhile is_searchable_choice=true Loading list may hang at "--NONE--" dropdown menu will keep blinking When it does load performance is painfully slow.Steps to Reproduce - On incident form, create 3 custom fields, u_category_tier_2, u_category_tier_3, u_keyword- Build the references and created multiple sys_choice records- 150 u_category_tier_2 records (50 records per inquiry/software/hardware category)- then 7,500 u_category_tier_3 records- without the is_searchable_choice attribute on u_category_tier_2, performance is quick - is_searchable_choice=true the lists are loaded top down taking longer to loadWorkaroundDisable the feature by adding this to the sys_dictionary on the incident table: is_searchable_choice=false Related Problem: PRB1430190