Technical Services: View Result - "No records to display"Issue Clicking the "View Result" UI Action from the Technical Service record and encountered "No records to display". Note: a. Create technical services in one of the Instance A.b. Export the records from Instance A and import it to Instance B. Steps to reproduce: 1. Login to <Instance B>.2. Navigate to "Service Mapping > Services > Technical Services"3. Open a record4. Click "Preview", shows <##> records.5. Click "View Result", "No records to display"ReleaseAllCauseIt seems that the hash field for the technical service showed the correct number although the svc_ci_assoc table was not filled with CIs.It can happen for example when the service record is copied from another instance (without coping the svc_ci_assoc table).Resolution1. Clear the "Hash" values of all the Technical Services [cmdb_ci_query_based_service]. 2. Run [Execute Now] the Scheduled Job [Update Query Based Services] to calculates the Technical Services.