MySQL data dump does not contain all tables as in an instance.SummaryIssue:You do not seeing the same number of tables in a MySQL data dump as you do in an instance. Explanation:This is expected as tables you see in the platform are logical tables and may not have a physical table in the actual database (MySQL). Specifically, any tables that extend from 'task' and 'cmdb' tables with not have a physical table in the database. Tables that extend from 'task' and 'cmdb' are all flattened up into 'task' and 'cmdb' (and the cmdb$par tables). Example, the 'change_request' table. This table is a logical table and physically it is flattened into the 'task' table. To select all the records from the physical table, you would need to do something like "select * from task where sys_class_name = 'change_request'".Also, the field mappings that belong to the change_request table are stored in a table called the sys_storage_alias table. The 'Element' and 'Table' fields are the logical names you see in the instance and the 'Storage alias' and 'Storage table name' are the physical table and field name in the database. You would need to use these mappings to select specific fields.Below is a KB that may be helpfulTable Structures FAQ