Certificate discovery QuestionsIssue Can we scan range of port rather than specifying any specific port since maximum port that can be configured is 138, e.g. any port values between 40000 and 50000 ?When running certificate discovery via port scanning, we can monitor result in Certificate Management Dashboard but where can we check detailed discovery logs other than Shazzam input queue ?When running certificate discovery via URL scans, from ECC queue we can see input queue for 'URL Certificate Scan' but data is encrypted, in case of any error/ wrong attribute value, how can we verify what data was being returned during discovery ?ReleaseOrlando and aboveResolutionPrerequisites : "Certificate Inventory and Management" plugin to be enabled Currently, there is no support to specify port range OOB."tls_ssl_certs" is the port probe used for discovering certificates. Most of the common secured ports are added to this port probe by default.https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/discovery_port_probe_list.do?sysparm_query=nameSTARTSWITHtls_ssl_certs&sysparm_first_row=1&sysparm_view=&sysparm_choice_query_raw=&sysparm_list_header_search=trueFor any other ports, the customer has to add them manually based on their business requirement.All the Shazzam related errors like port not open, timeout, etc.. are available to review only in the Shazzam input payload.The payload for the discovered certificates is stored in the Payload field in the table "sn_disco_certmgmt_certificate_history". All the URLs for which the certificates were not discovered, currently we do not log the error in the discovery logs.https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/sn_disco_certmgmt_certificate_history_list.doRelated LinksPlease refer to below product documentation for more detailshttps://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=cert-inventory-mgmt.html&version=latesthttps://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=run-cert-discovery.html&version=latest