Qualys How to configure more than one endpoint. or How to fetch data from multiple endpoints on some Qualys Primary Integrations?SummaryQualys : How to configure more than one endpoint ? Navigate to Qualys Vulnerability Integration > Administration > Primary Integrations. You will find Source to be only one "Qualys", which is out of the box You would like to have some of the Primary Integrations to fetch data from multiple endpoints.Instructions1. Qualys Vulnerability Integration>Administration>Integration Instances OR https://instancename.service-now.com/sn_sec_int_impl_list.do 2. Create New Give it name "Qualys <Endpointname> Submit. 3. Now you will have 2 instances of Qualys where you can have multiple end points. Update the endpoint and other details in the newly created Integration Instance Integration Instance parameters NOTE : Make sure you go to Qualys Vulnerability Integration>Administration>Primary Integrations Make sure you want to run only the specific Integrations from the newly created end point not all of them. Set the ones you do not need to false. https://instancename.service-now.com/sn_vul_qualys_integration_list.do?sysparm_query=sys_class_name%3Dsn_vul_qualys_integration