Financial tab is showing different currency typesSummaryThe Financial tab in Project [pm_project] is showing different currency types. Explanation: Financial fields on a project come from different places, for example, Planned Return – pm_project.value is set by Business Rule. Other fields are driven by the choice of currency made by the user on Planned capital and Planned operating fields, for example, if you create a Project and you enter values Planned capital (capex_cost) = £10 and Planned operating (opex_cost) = €10, You'll end up with Net value (value) = € -21.10 (Euro) and Net present value (npv_value) = £0 (Pound). Projects fields Costs are in general driven by system locale property (glide.system.locale), for the project module this is referred to as the reference currency. When initializing a project, fields such as Total planned cost and Planned return will display first the reference currency. The default locale of en.US is used and as such $ is the reference currency. Now, for a non-read only field, the default currency can be set as desired at the dictionary level by using the default value field. If you set the default value to EUR;0,00, when initializing a project the field will display € instead of $. Once the record is saved, entries for each currency field will be created on the fx_currency_instance table. You can check this on fx_currency_instance where ID = sysId of the pm_project record. For this particular example we have: The next example, with a mixed currency state for the project with € and £, note some of the fields will rely on Planned capital and Planned Operating, others however will be using the reference currency still: Total Planned cost (cost) = 21.10 eurosPlanned capital (capex_cost) = 10 pounds > As enteredPlanned operating (opex_cost) = 10 euros > As enteredBudget cost (budget_cost) = 0 eurosActual cost = 0 poundsEstimate at completion (forecast_cost) = 0 poundsPlanned benefit (benefits) = 0 poundNet value (value) = -21.10 dollars > as the reference currencyNet present value (npv_value) = 0 dollarsEstimate to completion (estimate_to_completion) = 0 pound Checking the fx_currency_instance for the pm_project record, you can see the fx currencies instances are initialized following the description above. There are other factors in place, they may or may not have an impact depending on each of the functionalities you want to use. Related LinksKB0784992 - Actual costs on Project are not calculated as per the currency defined in Cost Plan KB0718715 - Planned cost in Project under Financials Tab is showing in functional currency USD when "Cost Plan" is submitted in EUR Create a project cost plan Create an expense line Currencies and budget reference rates