Embedded list 'Assets Covered' disappears from Hardware (alm_hardware) form when the 'Contracts' section layout is changedDescriptionOn the Hardware form tab labeled 'Contracts' there is an embedded list called 'Assets Covered'. This list can not be found in the form layout when trying to see what is the name of this list. There seems to be no way to delete "Asset Covered" as it is not specified in Configure > Form Layout or Configure > Form Design. However, when in the form layout/design of the Contracts section of Hardware asset (alm_hardware), the "Assets Covered" disappears.Steps to Reproduce 1. Go to alm_hardware /nav_to.do?uri=%2Falm_hardware_list.do 2. Open any record, e.g.Hardware : P1000479 - Apple MacBook Pro 15"/nav_to.do?uri=alm_hardware.do?sys_id=00a96c0d3790200044e0bfc8bcbe5dc33. Go to the tab Contracts. Notice there is an embedded list called 'Assets Covered'.4. Try to find the embedded list in the form layout. Notice 'Asset covered --> Asset', but not 'Assets covered'. 5. Add the Asset Covered > Asset embedded list and then remove it.WorkaroundThis problem is under review and targeted to be fixed in a future release. To receive notifications when more information becomes available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form. As a workaround, instead of adding Assets Covered > Asset in to the Contracts section, try adding Contracts, which would show the correct table [clm_m2m_contract_asset].Related Problem: PRB1357539