If record is opened from Url directly, view rule is applied on form, but not be applied on 'Printer friendly version'Descriptionif the record is opened from Url directly, view rule is applied on the form, but not be applied on 'Printer-friendly version'Steps to Reproduce Steps to reproduce1. add advanced view rule 'testVR' for table sc_req_item with below script, to guide non-admin to use 'self service' (ess) view(function overrideView(view, is_list) {//Force non-admin users to use the JTSnowReqitemView viewif (!gs.hasRole("admin")){answer = 'ess'; // set the new view to answer}})(view, is_list);2. impersonate 'Abel Tuter' who is not admin3. create 1 new sc_req_item record from service portal -> request something4. end impersonate(be admin now), use sc_req_item.list and open the new record with the default view5. save the Url, which doesn't contain 'sysparm_view%3Dess', as it's got from the default viewsample URL, https://<instance-name>.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=%2Fsc_req_item.do%3Fsys_id%3D35f2c1191b161410a78796482b4bcb0d%26sysparm_record_target%3Dsc_req_item%26sysparm_record_row%3D1%26sysparm_record_rows%3D3%26sysparm_record_list%3DORDERBYDESCnumber6. Impersontate 'Abel Tuter' and open the record by url got above7. confirm that form is loaded with 'self service(ess)' view even the URL doesn't contain8. system setting -> general -> open 'Printer friendly version'WorkaroundView rules currently do not get evaluated with sysparm_media=print. The only way to get a view to be displayed this way is through the sysparm_view URL attribute This is expected behaviour and by design in all currently supported releases.Related Problem: PRB1416609