vCenter Discovery shows warning in discovery log: "vCenter Message: This method requires authentication."Issue vCenter Discovery shows warning in discovery log: "vCenter Message: This method requires authentication." The warning is thrown by probe: "VMWare - vCenter VM Tags".CauseThe probe "VMWare - vCenter VM Tags" is calling MID server script include: VMWarevCenterVMTagsProbe, which is then calling function getTagsForResources in MID server script include AVMWareProbe. The function getTagsForResources is trying to make a post request to https://'+ 'vCenter IP' +'/rest/com/vmware/cis/session, using basic auth. The detailed error is: {"messages":[{"default_message":"Authentication required.","id":"com.vmware.vapi.endpoint.method.authentication.required","args":[]}]},"type":"com.vmware.vapi.std.errors.unauthenticated" This error can be thrown if the user / password combo is incorrect / cannot authenticate. However under vCenter discovery context (where the credential works for other probes), below is more likely to be the cause: ResolutionCheck if appliesCheck log in /var/log/vmware/messagesRestarting applmgmt service or rebooting vCenter Server Appliance then try again Related LinksOther resource that may help with troubleshooting: