Runbook document not updated with the latest KB article versionDescriptionRunbook document is not updated with the latest version of the KB article.Steps to Reproduce 1. Impersonate 'system admin'2. Create a security incident.3. Click on 'View Manual Runbook' from Related Links.4. Open a Knowledge article from the list.5. Checkout the knowledge article, make some changes, and create a new published version of the KB article. Observe the Runbook documents table still has reference to the older version of that KB article.6. Select 'View Manual Runbook' for the same security incident. Observe the KB article is no longer visible, showing the message "There are currently no applicable runbooks found. Contact your knowledge administrator for more information."WorkaroundTo fix this issue follow the steps below:1. Navigate to Manual Runbook > View Runbook Document2. Select the applicable runbook matching the condition3. Select the latest KB article which is in the published state Related Problem: PRB1417339