Queries on CMDB Relationship EditorIssue Is there a way to make the filter on "Class" from "is a" "Application" to "is" "Application" default, on the Relationship Editor page ?Also, is there a way to select to display "Uses Child" as a default from all the other listed relationships under the "Suggested Relationships", on the Relationship Editor page ?ReleaseAllResolutionSteps to Reproduce: Log in to the instanceNavigate to "cmdb_ci_xxxxx" listOpen any record from the listFrom the Related Links, click on the "+" signFrom the suggested relationships list, select "Uses(Child)"Observe that from the Filter by default, "Class" "is a" "Application" Resolution: By default, the system uses "is a" filter. This is by design OOB.When "is a" filter is used, it will display the list of classes available as below. You can use "is" as filter value and it will display the "Application" records only, if that is your business requirement. We cannot change the default from "is a" to "is".It is not possible to choose/display only "Uses(Child)" from "Suggested Relationships" as a default option.By design, all the suggested relationships will be displayed in the list and it is not possible to let only a specific type selected to display by default.