Knowledge Article Size Restrictions / Limit for Import ArticlesSummaryBefore the Paris release, there was an issue with creating Knowledge Article that had a large 'Article body'. This is now fixed in Paris and there are currently no restrictions on article size from this version onwards. 'Create Knowledge' Size Restrictions: However, prior to Paris - a limit was in place to prevent Knowledge Articles of size more than 1MB being created from Knowledge > Articles > Create New. This was restricted using a System Property and Client Script which can be found here: System Property glide.knowman.check_article_size : / Script "Post content length check for article": / 'Import Articles' Size Restrictions: The Import Articles functionality however, does not enforce any article size restrictions in versions before Paris. This can cause some confusion due to the Knowledge Management Documentation (before Paris) stating that there was currently a limit in place. However, this is not true for Knowledge Article Import (Knowledge > Articles > Import Articles). This is soon to be reflected in the "Import a Word document to a knowledge base" Documentation for versions before Paris in which it will state that no restrictions are in place. "Import a Word document to a knowledge base" Orlando Docs