Users unable to Modify Social Q&A without admin RoleIssue Non-admin users are unable to update or modify the Social Q&A records.The issue is happening is for the knowledge manager who should be able to modify the Q&A.ResolutionIf the admins are able to modify the social Q&A records and non-admins cant, check for any ACL's which are failingCheck for the Read AcL on the kb_social_qa_answer table if it's failing https://< read ACL calls the script include " SocialQACommon ' which queries if the users have the read access to the social Q&A records.Since these Q&A records are associated with a knowledge base ' Social Q&A ', need to check if the user has read access to the knowledge base and activate the knowledge base.The admin users still can view the inactivate records while non-admin cant, so the knowledge base needs to be active even if the user has the right role.Related LinksSTEPS TO REPRODUCE : hop into the Affected instanceImpersonate any of the users with knowledge_manage roleNavigate to kb_social_qa_answer tableThe users will not be able to read or modify the records there