How to troubleshoot this error message: Invalid state transition. Can not update from state ...Issue On a problem record, when moving from one state to the next we might get an error message: Invalid state transition. Can not update from state 'Assess' to state '(2)' with given values. The issue is that something is setting the state value of current when the state model is evaluating whether the state should move forward. See the example explained below. Causefrom the modal, when the state changes to closed and the "ok" button is pressed a gliderecord transaction is startedbefore the GR insert, the "known_error" field is set to trueand the workflow on [problem] table is triggered. The WF set the current state to value 2and afterward, the state model evaluates whether the state 'Assess' can move to state '(2)' which it can't and aborts the transactionsthis is the error message you seethe WF finishes however that update too is aborted since the state model won't allow it In this example, it was a WF that was setting current.state, however, it could be a "before" bus.rule