How to remove "This survey is in regards to Incident: XXXXXXX"Issue How to remove "This survey is in regards to Incident: XXXXXXX"ResolutionFollowing lines from 'assessment_take2' UI page shows the message In the HTML line 433 to 441. You may add another condition or comment these lines to get rid of the alert./[code] <j2:if test="$[GlideMobileExtensions.getDeviceType() == 'doctype']"> <div class="notification notification-info"> $[gs.getMessage('This {0} is in regards to {1}: ', msgArr)] <a onClick="openTaskOverlay(event)" class="related-task-link">${task_record}</a> <button data-dismiss="alert" class="btn btn-icon close icon-cross"> <span class="sr-only">Close</span> </button> </div> </j2:if> [/code]