Flow Designer - SLA Percentage Timer action unexpectedly returns "skipped" runtime value if "Percentage" value is 101 or greater.DescriptionWhen a Flow Designer Flow has an SLA Percentage Timer action in it and the "Percentage" value is greater than 100 (e.g. 101+), the runtime value will always be "skipped". This causes issues if, say, a customer is checking to ensure that the action ran successfully or not (the Flow will be halted unexpectedly and will never be able to progress). Symptoms SLA Percentage Timer flow action unexpectedly throws a runtime value of "skipped" if the "Percentage" value is greater than 100.Steps to Reproduce Create a Flow in any Out of Box (OOB) Orlando instanceAdd trigger as SLA TaskAdd in an SLA Percentage Timer with a "Percentage" value of 101Save and Publish the FlowAttach the Flow to a 2-minute SLA Definition that you create (use some simple Start and Stop conditions, and set the duration to 2 minutes so the test can be run very quickly)Create a task record to match the SLA Definition's Start condition, triggering the task SLA and starting the FlowView the Flow on the task SLA recordNote that after 2 minutes (or so, Flows can take a little bit extra time as they are event-based), we will see the SLA Percentage Timer return a runtime value of "skipped". Expected behavior: The SLA Percentage Timer would have the flexibility to run with values past 100 and return valid runtime values. Actual behavior: The SLA Percentage Timer action does not have the ability currently to successfully process "Percentage" values greater than 100 and still return good runtime values (non-skipped).WorkaroundThis issue is under review. If you are experiencing this problem, contact ServiceNow Technical Support. In the meantime, perhaps this workaround can help you: Do not create SLA Percentage Timer Flow Actions with values greater than 100 (e.g. 101+)Related Problem: PRB1423394