"No shell detected and probe parameter 'allow_unsupported_shells' is set to 'false'\n"Issue The error "No shell detected and probe parameter 'allow_unsupported_shells' is set to 'false'\n" is observed during the execution of a script on the Linux devices using Orchestration Activity.ReleaseAllResolutionExecute "Test input" on the target device, from the custom activity and observe the output like below. "output": "", "errorMessages": "No shell detected and probe parameter 'allow_unsupported_shells' is set to 'false'\n", "debugMessages": null, "eccSysId": "45aee67cdb475c9406260d1ed396198b", "tags": Navigate to the ECC queue table and open the record with "Sys_id" observed from the above error. Navigator > Orchestration > ECC QueueLook for the error details from the ECC record and capture the Credential details, Probe details from the same. Navigate to the credentials table and open the credential record used from the above ECC queue record.Test the credential by passing the target IP and the MID details and check if it is successful.Navigate to the probe used, like as in the screenshot the probe used is "SSHCommand". Navigator > Discovery Definition > Probes > SSHCommandOpen the Probe and within the probe record find the tab "Probe Parameters".Click on "New".Enter the details per the below screenshot and Submit the record. Execute "Test input" on the target device again, from the custom activity and check if the output is as below. If the error looks like above, it can be confirmed that the issue is that the credential password that's being used, is expired and that needs to be updated. Update the password against the credential record and it should work fine.