A10 Load Balancer getting discovered as Linux ServerIssue When tried discovering the A10 Load Balancers, they get discovered as 'Linux Servers', since they are hosted on a Linux Machine.Even after creating an 'SNMP Only' discovery behavior with SNMP credential, following the below documentation, they get discovered as Linux Server. https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=create-disco-behavior.html&version=latestReleaseAllCauseOID for the device missing in the OID Lists table. ResolutionObserve from the classification input payload for the OID of the device, which will be as below. <system oid=""><sysName oid="" type="SnmpOctetString">xxxxxxxxxx/sysName><sysObjectID oid="" type="SnmpObjectId">xxxxxxxxxx</sysObjectID><sysDescr oid="" type="SnmpOctetString">xxxxxxxxxxx</sysDescr Look for the OID from the above point in the SNMP OIDs list for "A10 Load Balancer" as below Navigator > CI Classification > A10 Load Balancer > SNMP listIf the OID is not present, create the OID record in the "discovery_snmp_oid" table Navigator > Discovery Definition > SNMP System OIDs > New Add the details as per the screenshot below Save the record.Execute discovery on the device and it will be properly classified as "A10 Load Balancer".