"Leave site?" pop up is coming on an unchanged form.SummaryWhen a form is loaded, and no changes have been done, upon closing the form you would get a pop-up confirming if you want to: Leave site? Changes you made may not be saved.ReleaseAll supported releases.InstructionsThis will mainly happen if some values on the form are being changed through client scripts or UI policies.Related LinksTo detect which client scripts and UI policies are triggering the changes, perform the below steps: Create an onload client script as below: function onLoad() { g_form.onUserChangeValue(function(fieldName,oldValue,newValue){console.log("Field: " + fieldName + " Old: " + oldValue + " New: " + newValue);});} Check the browser console log, and search for Field:You would see the fields that are changed.Identify the client scripts that are using these field names in their script section.Disable them, and try to perform the same action of opening a form, and without changing anything close the form. You will not see the message popping up againMake necessary changes in the client script or UI policy to avoid this message from occurring again.