How to enable push notification for all the user?SummaryWhen a push notification is created, notification is not set to "active" for a user by default. User has to go into their preferences to turn ON the push notification by themselves. This is troublesome and hard to coordinate with around 2000 users. How we can mass set an existing/new push notification to be received by all users without having to get them to sign in to ServiceNow Instance from their browser to enable it themselves.ReleaseAllInstructionsWhen a user logs in from mobile then an entry will be created in the cmn_notif_device table. Active will be set to "false" when the push notification is disabled. You can make them all active by following below steps: - Double click on one of the cmn_notif_device record's "Active" field which is set to "false" and select 'true' for a record. - Leave this field selected and right-click on "Active" Column header and select "update all". Note: Without a user logging in their corresponding entry will not be there.