While updating the entitlement with different DMAP, it throws error "The specified publisher part number already exists for this Publisher."DescriptionGetting errors when we try to update the DMAP from DMAP0077986 to DMAP0092201 on the custom publisher part number as below: "" The specified publisher part number already exists for this Publisher. ""Steps to Reproduce Goto entitlementTry to update / change the DMAP without changing the part number.You will see the error as below:The specified publisher part number already exists for this Publisher.WorkaroundThe cause for this issue is here is a business rule named "Restrict duplicate publisher part number" on table samp_custom_sw_product_definition that checks if there is any part number exists with same part number and for the same model. If it exists then it will throw the error message. The purpose is to avoid the duplicates. Goto the business rule "Restrict duplicate publisher part number"Modify the code to add extra query as below so that it will not check for current DMAP. custompartnumbers.addQuery('sys_id', '!=', current.sys_id); Related Problem: PRB1422710