Within Paris version instances Guided Tours close button is displayed as Euro Currency symbol instead of cross "x"DescriptionWithin Paris version instances Guided Tours close button is displayed as Euro Currency symbol instead of cross "x"Steps to Reproduce 1. Log into an OOB Paris instance2. Application Navigator ---> Guided Tour Designer ---> Create Tour3.a - Name: <Tour_Name>b - Tour Type: Service Portalc - Portal: Service Portald- Starting Page: indexe - Roles: All4. Click on Create Tour5. On the new tab, create an introduction for the Guided Tour. Enter anything6. Click Save at the bottom7. Click Publish at the bottom ---> Confirm8. Application Navigator ---> Guided Tour Designer ---> Configure Auto Launch9. Find the newly created Guided Tour "sp?id=index"10. Set the Auto Launch toggle to true (so that the button is positioned on the right side)- This will automatically save11. Go to the Service Portal by adding the sp prefix to the end of the URL : https://<instance_name>.service-now.com/sp- Notice that the close button here is Euro currency symbol: See screenshot for reference12. Repeat the same steps in an OOB Orlando instance (I did Orlando Patch 5 : pporlando5) - notice at the end that the close button is correctly displayed as an x.: See screenshot for reference- Please see attached video recording of the issueWorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available.Related Problem: PRB1417059