Login failed error while connecting to MS SQL Database using Windows authenticated accountSummaryWhen trying to connect to MS SQL server using integrated authentication an error "Login failed for user 'userxxxx'" is displayed The issue might be due to not having a specific user account created in Windows Server that is being used to login to MS SQL Server InstructionsFollow the steps below to resolve the issue. Stop the MID Server using Services (Windows Services)PropertiesLogon Tab This account, pick the user you are logging into the MS SQL Server.If the user account where MID Server is installed on your Windows computer cannot be found, you might want to add that user by giving them the same password as MSSQL Server Refer to documentation on how to install multiple mid servers on a single system. 4. On the Service now , check Use integrated Authentication. If you wish to enable integrated authentication through script rather than using the default setting of "check Use integrated Authentication," add the following line to the connection url line of the script: mssqlConnection = 'jdbc:sqlserver://'+servername+':1433;user='+userName+';IntegratedSecurity=true';