Map reports FAQSummaryThe following are some of the most commonly asked questions regarding Map Reports. Records with locations set to Arkansas don't show on the mapI have 3 records on Illinois, but when I click into the state it only shows 2When I click into a state, the cities don't show upThe Virgin Islands is a part of the United States, but doesn't show on the mapMy South Carolina locations are showing in Saint Croix Records with locations set to Arkansas don't show on the map This issue occurs due to the fact that the Location Mapping code for the state of Arkansas is unintentionally missing from new, out of box builds or instances which have been zBooted or otherwise reverted to an out-of-box state. This can easily be rectified by adding this correct ISO-3166-2 mapping for the state of Arkansas to the appropriate table on the instance. You can find more information about this and how to fix it here: KB0755733 I have 3 records on Illinois, but when I click into the state it only shows 2 This issue is usually caused by the locations set on the records. If you have 3 records and 1 of those records is set to Illinois, and 2 other records set to Chicago, IL, then this is why you would see this issue.You'll see from the state level all the records on the state and in the cities, so 3 records in total. When you click into the state, which goes to city level, then you only see the two that are assigned to Chicago, as the one in Illinois is not assigned a city. A decent fix for this issue is to just make sure you assign all records to cities within states. Another workaround would be to create a duplicate Map Source (Map Source Doc) and to disable the very last level of the map source, which is usually the City level 3 record.By disabling this last map source, whenever you click the State on the map, it will open a list view of all the records within the State (Including cities) rather than moving into the city level breakdown for the map report.By using this method, you can have 1 map that has city level reports, and another that calls upon the entire state and uses the list view to show the data. When I click into a state, the cities don't show up This is because you need to add the Latitude and Longitude of the city in your sys_location table. E.x Chicago's Latitude and Longitude is 41.881832, -87.623177. By adding these to the Chicago record in sys_location, it will now display on the city level map report. The Virgin Islands is a part of the United States, but doesn't show on the map The current location for the Virgin Islands is showing on the map, but they are far in the Pacific Ocean (West of the USA). You can see the islands if you go into the World view of the map report; However, if you hover over the islands, they will show all the records for the entire USA. Also, if you click the islands, it will just take you to the United States view of the map. You can also see the number of records in the Virgin Islands if you look under the Zoom + - symbols. My South Carolina locations are showing in Saint Croix This is caused by Saint Croix using the same abbreviation as South Carolina (SC). The fix is to go to 'sys_report_map_source_mapping' and assign Saint Croix any abbreviation you'd like. "STX" would probably be the best one considering the Airport there. The Virgin Islands already has VI.