GitHub integration with the Sweagle CLIThe Sweagle CLI offers a standard integration to recursively loop through a Github based repository and search for specific file extensions. Any file found is parsed and the configuration data is uploaded to Sweagle. Setup Create Access Token In Github Create a unique access token for your Github repository with access scope "repo". Note down the access token because Github will not show it again once you leave this page. Note that at the time of writing of this article, you have to select the checkbox at the scope level "repo". Only selecting the 5 list items without the top-level checkbox is not sufficient. Sweagle CLI Git Configuration The GitHub integration is optional in the setup of the Sweagle CLI. In case of a fully interactive installation of the Sweagle CLI, confirm that the GitHub integration should be set up and follow the instructions. Enter the Git access token. If you have already a working Sweagle CLI, you can add the GitHub details by following the steps of the gitConfig option. ./sweagle gitConfig In case you only want to change the GitHub access token, you can update the token using the "-t" argument ./sweagle gitConfig -t 123accesstoken456 Usage Interactive Mode The CLI interactive mode will guide you through the steps in order to configure the recursive search throughout the repository and upload all found configuration data to Sweagle. Note that the remote repository should be an exact case sensitive name of the repository. It is currently not supported to limit the search to only a specific folder path in the repository (unlike with the terminal command mode where this is already implemented - see below). Terminal Command Mode The CLI command mode offers various possibilities: provide a repository name and it will recursively scan through the content and filter all files with the filtered extensions as configured through the Sweagle gitConfigProvide a repository name and an optional folder name, and the Sweagle CLI will limit its search to only the provided folder path (use / for the path separation)provide a full path to a single file, and the Sweagle CLI will only upload that single file. Example 1: will parse through the content of the "PRD" folder in the repo named "myApp", and upload any files found with one of the default extensions to Sweagle on the nodePath "CRM,environments". ./sweagle gitUploadData myApp -f PRD -n CRM,environments Example 2: will upload the content of a single specific file in the repo to a specific path in Sweagle. ./sweagle gitUploadData myApp -f TST/application.yml -n CRM,myenvironments,TST In case the recursive search through a repository (folder) should be limited to a specific set of file extensions, then first update the file extensions configuration to only the extensions required. After that, run the command as above. ./sweagle gitConfig -f ini,txt ./sweagle gitUploadData myApp -n CRM,environments