Feedback scoreThe feedback score is a way to track if a stored snapshot for a config data set has caused issues due to the configData such as service downtime or degradation. By default the feedback score is unknown, and the score can be set to good or bad. The feedback score can be set for any of the snapshots as often the information that a snapshot has caused a service impact is only known after the facts. Set the feedback score through the UI A user with edit permissions for the nodePath of the CDS can set the feedback score for any of the snapshots to unknown, good or bad. Set the feedback score through the API an API user with edit permissions for the nodePath of the CDS can set the feedback score. Unknown has the value -1, good has the value 0 and bad 100. We currently do not yet use score range so any value between 0 and 49 is considered as good. 50 and higher is considered as bad. For updating or retrieving the feedback score through the API you can send the CDS name and optionally a snapshot tag. In case only the CDS name is send then the response will contain the feedback for the current active snapshot. check the API documentation for detailed information on the API method (example POST api/v1/data/include/feedback?name=myMDSname&tag=myTag123&score=100) .