API - DIFF comparisonThis endpoint allows requesting the DIFF comparison between any 2 config data sets. The user must have at least the VIEW permissions on the config data set names in order to retrieve its content and perform the comparison. Endpoint method GET URI /api/v1/data/include/diff headers ! AuthorizationBearer <userToken or APIkey> parameters ! fromName myMdsName1 the exact name of the config data set to use as the "starting" point ! toName myMdsName2 the exact name of the config data set to compare with ! format json | text/csv set the response format simplified true | false default is false. Reduces the amount of detail in the response ignorePath true | false default is false. When set to true, differences in paths to the CDIs will not be taken into account in order to decide if there was a modification or not. This is relevant in case you compare 2 different CDS with the same "structure" and you only want to compare the CDI values, not their path. Response The response is an object in the format as requested (JSON or CSV). Example response in CSV format: Type,Path,Key,NewValue,OldValue "deleted","/node1","nodeFlavor",,"chocolate" "modified","/node2","nodeName","node2","nodeXYZ" In case of insufficient permissions, the response object will contain a {"AccessDeniedException"} message Example cURL curl -s -X GET 'https://demo.sweagle.com/api/v1/data/include/diff?fromName=node1&toName=node2&simplified=false&format=text/csv' -H 'authorization: Bearer Xeb940d3-ea37-4766-bb6c-f0b83deafb6f'