API - validations statusThis endpoint provides the option to include or exclude the customValidator results in the response. This endpoint allows retrieving the status result of the base validations (like unidentified token, invalid data, ...) for a given config data set name. Through the parameter "forIncoming=true|false", this method can be used to retrieve the validity status for either the current active snapshot or for the current pending data for the config data set. The user must have at least VIEW permissions on the config data set. Note that in case there is no pending data for the config data set, then the validity status of the current active snapshot is returned. Endpoint method GET URI /api/v1/data/include/validate Headers !Authorization Bearer <userToken or APIkey> ! Accept application/json;charset=UTF-8 Parameters !name myMdsName the exact name of the config data set for which the validity status information should be returned forIncoming true | false default is false withCustomValidations true | false default is false Response The response is a JSON containing a summary validity status for the given config data set name and the details of the warnings & errors. {"summary": { "warnings": 0, "errors": 2, "information": null }, "errors": { "unidentifiedTokens": [ { "path": "(test04).test04.testKey", "key": "testKey", "value": "@@test04_Token@@", "overwritten": false, "nodeId": 29287004 } ], "failedParsers": [ { "errorDescription": "test04 failure", "validatorName": "test04.fail", "modifiedDate": 1554193444819, "validatorId": 29287123, "createDate": 1554193310742 } ]}} In case of insufficient permissions, the response object will contain a {"error":"AccessDeniedException"} message Example cURL curl -s -X GET -H 'Authorization: bearer Xeb940d3-ea37-4766-bb6c-f0b83deafb6f' -H 'Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8' "https://demo.sweagle.com/api/v1/data/include/validate?name=myMdsName&forIncoming=true"