API - bulk uploadThis endpoint allows creating a snapshot for the pending data of a given config data set. Optionally you can provide a comment which will be displayed in the snapshot history page. The user must have the permissions on the config data set name to create a snapshot for the given validity level. Endpoint method POST URI /api/v1/data/bulk-operations/dataLoader/upload headers !Authorization Bearer <userToken or APIkey> ! Content-Type application/json use the applicable content type for the format of the data body you upload. Parameters !nodePath dimensionName,node1,node2 enter the path where the data should be uploaded to. separate the node names in the path with a comma. In case the nodes do not yet exist, they will be created automatically. !format json | yaml | xml | txt | properties | ini any of the supported formats allowDelete true|false default value is false. When set to true it will delete any nodes and CDIs that are not part of the upload. In case the nodes are included or inherited, also the nodes and CDIs at points of inclusion will be deleted - this can be controlled by "onlyParent". use carefully! onlyParent true|false default value is false. This controls if in case the allowDelete flag is set to true if the deletion of nodes and CDIs will only happen at the node itself, or also at any other place where the node is included or in every child node that is inheriting. autoRetry true|false default value is false. This controls if a keep-alive communication will happen. only required when uploading large data blocks autoApprove true|false default value is false. this controls if the data changeset should be automatically approved or not. storeSnapshotResults true|false default value is false. This controls if automatically a snapshot should be created for each of the impacted config data sets by this data upload. If set to true, by default a snapshot will only be made in case the validity of pending config data sets is "valid". validationLevel validOnly|warning|error allowed values are "validOnly,warning,error". default value is validOnly. This controls in case the "storeSnapshotResults=true" if snapshots should be taken even when the validity is "warning" or "error". encoding utf-8 optionally set the encoding format in case of special characters tag mySnapshotTag a unique single-string tag to identify the snapshot. Is only used in case storeSnapshotResults=true. cannot contain spaces or special characters. description my snapshot description a free format text to describe the snapshot. Is only used in case storeSnapshotResults=true. URL encode this argument. identifierWordseg name,id,serviceTo make nodes part of an array uniquely identifiable, a comma-separated list of 'identifier words' can be added to the API-call. If no identifierWords are provided, the behavior will default to the identifierWords listed in the find.identity_attributes_discovery.word_list preference Data body The data block in the relevant format. Response The response is a JSON containing the version details of the data change set. In case of insufficient permissions, the response object will contain {"error":"AccessDeniedException"} message. Example cURL curl -s -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer Xeb940d3-ea37-4766-bb6c-f0b83deafb6f" 'https://demo.sweagle.com/api/v1/data/bulk-operations/dataLoader/upload?nodePath=test01,node1&format=json&allowDelete=false&autoApprove=true&storeSnapshotResults=true&validationLevel=error' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"nodeFlavor":"vanilla"}'