Retrieve all CDS at a given nodePathThis endpoint allows retrieving all configData sets (CDS) at a given nodePath. By default, this endpoint does a recursive call so it will return a list with details for every configData set that exists at any child (n-levels deep) from the node of the given path (comma separated path notation). Optionally it is possible to limit the search to only those configData sets that exist at the direct child nodes of the provided path. Endpoint methodGETURI/api/v1/data/metadataset/by-path?path=dimension,node1 Headers ! AuthorizationBearer <userToken or APIkey>!Acceptapplication/vnd.siren+json Parameters onlyDirectChildrentrue | false When set to true, it limits the search to only the direct child nodes of the provided path. Default is false which returns a recursive list anywhere along the tree. Response The response is a JSON object of all CDS. The following list of fields are returned for every CDS in the response: "properties": { "name": "environments.PRF.PRF0a", "reportStatus": "FINISHED", "consumed": false, "feedbackScore": -1 } Note: a CDS created at the provided nodePath will not be part of the response. In case of insufficient permissions, the response object will contain a {"AccessDeniedException"} message Example cURL curl -X GET ',node1&onlyDirectChildren=true' -H "Authorization: bearer Xeb940d3-ea37-4766-bb6c-f0b83deafb6f" -H 'Accept: application/vnd.siren+json'