Data modelThe data model is where all the configuration data is consolidated together. Here you will find the current configuration data settings across the data model. You can navigate to the data model from the main menu selection on the left of Sweagle. Main Actions Menu To get started, there are 3 important action buttons at the top right of the page: 1 - Create a Data Changeset 2 - Select a Workspace Sweagle will highlight workspaces & changesets which are active in RED at the top of the screen. Note that changesets highlighted in blue are previously approved and the data model will represent itself as it was the time of this changeset being active. No changes can be made to the data model whilst being scoped into an already approved (locked) data changeset. 3 - Reloading the Data Model The Data Model Each data model can be set up and configured in an entirely specific and customizable way. The data model has an active reload feature. To improve performance, the data model is not instantly refreshed upon all changes of all users at any moment in time. Sweagle will automatic fetch the latest data model for most relevant updates. In case it does not apply the automatic reload (to not intervene with current UI activities) it will turn the reload button to yellow. As a user you can fetch the latest data model at a convenient moment. Each data model should be represented in a manner that makes the most sense to understand where config is stored. Data Model Setup Sweagle adopts a node-based hierarchical data model to which config data items are attached. Nodes are structured below a "root node" which is called a dimension. Every dimension is basically a tree structure with parent and child nodes. A new dimension can be added from the top-left option. Once the dimension node is visualized in the data model more options become available through the right-click menu. You will be presented a set of different options to follow: Zoom In: This is a navigation assistant. It will drop you into the Dimension/Node you have selected. Typically reducing the data model tree which you see. Often good if you need to focus on a particular node. Upload Data Here: This will take you to a screen allowing you to import data from a file or snippet.Create Node: Presents you the ability to create a new node under the level you currently have selected.Create Multi-Branch: Enforces node branching. See more details in KB0854489 - NodeBranches ExplainedCreate config data set: Creates a config data set. See more details in KB0854486 - Grouping relevant configData together - config data sets explainedInherit: Previously discovered data will be inherited to this level. See more details in KB0854479 - Discovering inheritanceEdit: Edit the current node name and node type. Duplicate: Duplicate the current node under the current working level.Copy: Copy the highlighted node. This can then be pasted to another part of the dimension. When copying a node, you have the ability to choose to copy metadata or not. When copying metadata subnodes and their key/values will also be copied. Node Details When a node is selected, the details for that node will be presented on the right of the screen. This will show: Config data items: the Key/Value pairs held at the node level. The type assigned to the node. The version history of the selected node.Any config data sets which exist at this node. More details in KB0854486 - Grouping relevant configData together - config data sets explainedAny keys with metadata item types assigned.If the node is included anywhere.If any nodes are inherited. More details in: KB0854479 - Discovering inheritanceKB0854477 - Inheritance along the data tree If any keys are tokenized. More details in KB0854474 - Token replacement logicIf there are any Tags assigned to a Key/Value. Additional options The data model is in a constant state of evolution. It is highly customizable and allows for many different iterations, structures, and different ways to view the data.