Flow Designer flow is stuck when sys_user.user_name max_length is 100 (more than 40)DescriptionWhen a flow is executed with "User who initiates session" property it creates an entry in sys_flow_context table with "Created By" field populated with the User ID who initiated the flow. This field has of length 40. When Created By used-id is more than 40 chars, it gets truncated. Then when the flow goes to execute the user ID isn't valid and the flow execution gets stuck.Steps to Reproduce 1. Login on the instance (as Maint first)2. create a case by filling in these mandatory fields:Channel: EmailAccount: Lister Communications LtdContact: Chynna GambleAssignment Group: Problem ManagementAssigned to: Francesco Dore3. Save the record and impersonate user (Francesco Dore)4. Open the case and click on 'Accept'.5. After Accepting the case now click 'Assign to me'6. Add a comment to the case and click on ' Request Info'. ( This creates a blocking task, state changes to 'Awaiting Info').7. Now impersonate Chynna Gamble and open Case record via the Portal8. Add a comment and click 'Save'.9.Log back in as Francesco Dore and open the Case10. Status remains 'Awaiting Info' and the blocking task didn't clear after customer comment.WorkaroundReduce the length of the impacted user's user_id.Related Problem: PRB1381375