IntroductionSummarySweagle collects and consolidates the configuration data of enterprise applications into a single source of control, and turns that "config data" into consumable, validated and actionable information for any tool set along the software delivery life cycle. Keys And Values Everywhere So what is config data? Basically, anything that describes or defines some aspect of every version of every application component in any environment at any moment in time. It includes technical config data such as installation parameters and settings, functional config data such as instance and tenant specific configurations and feature activation flags. It contains environment and infrastructure specific settings for cloud and traditional environments. Also, functional and technical dependency information for every component used in every specific application version are examples of config data. Various Formats And Sources Do you have the situation where keys & values are stored in a several sources (repositories, shared network folders, source code mgmt. tools …), in different formats (XML, JSON, yml, properties, txt formats …) and owned by different teams and stakeholders (dev, ops, release teams …)? Don’t worry, that is the challenge that SWEAGLE solves. Sweagle integrates with tools along the SDLC so keys & values can be injected directly. Or data can be pulled into Sweagle using configurable dataLoaders which will parse through remote and distributed sources and discover updated or changed config data instantly. Or is config data only defined in some wiki pages or readme documents and you need to read through them to figure out what matters? SWEAGLE can capture that data right away and prevent such crucial information is locked into “human readable” formats only. Actionable And Consumable Knowing what config data you have where is one thing. But how do you make that information usable for every tool set in the SDLC. How do you prevent that every tool over and over again has to parse through various files and formats, with potential risks for errors and a high cost of maintenance? That is why Sweagle turns the collected and consolidated data into “sets of config data” which can be consumed directly through the rest API. Sweagle does not just provide a “dump of the config data” but enriches it to make the consumption more simpler and optimized. It assigns types to the consumable config data such that other toolsets can requests config data information of a specific type. Sweagle validates the config data and makes this validation data available through the API. Owners, Stakeholders, and Permissions More than ever, it is the config data that drives the operations of enterprise applications. Strict segregation of roles and duties are mandatory, and regulatory compliance is a must. Sweagle makes it easy to control which users can perform which tasks on what type of config data. And all user and system interaction on the config data is tracked and available for audit trail purposes. Evolution, Drift And “Stay In Control” Are you still using text comparison tools to figure out what changed between 2 versions of an XML configuration document? Are you struggling to understand the similarities and differences in those JSON documents that define your production and QA environment? Sweagle takes that pain away and provides a data model-driven diff calculation that can be filtered, sorted, and exported. It doesn’t matter if some of the lines in the text file were shuffled around, or if line items were deleted at one place and inserted another place – the config data model takes this pain away. Managing the config data is one thing, but how do you stay ahead of the many changes that are happening? How do you know what config data is changing often? Or from which source is config data delivered which often has errors or fails against data validation rules? Do you know how many config data items you currently have in use, and what is the trend and evolution? Sweagle offers reports, analytics, and insights that put you ahead of the config data changes that are happening. This information helps you to simplify the config data, remove duplicates, structure and parameterize the data, and introduce higher levels of re-usability of the config data which helps to stay in control of this digital chain of config data. Managing Change With Full Life Cycle Control Sure you had the situation where you would like to prepare all the config data changes up front and ahead of time. And collect the various updates from various sources and stakeholders, merge it together, and validate that all information is correct. And then you would like to make that new data available as of the first Sunday of next month. A struggle. Sweagle solves this challenge by allowing you to bring all changes on config data together, validate and correct where needed, and when everything is OK create a new snapshot of the config data with a date-time validity range. This allows you to perform all config data handling ahead of time, and Sweagle activates automatically the new config data sets when the time is right.