Discovery causing CPU to spike more than 80% and leaving powershell processes running after discovery job is completed.Issue While we run discovery on a Server the discovery is leaving Powershell.exe process on the target machine after the discovery job is completed and CPU is spiked to more than 80% due to this process.CauseWhen File-based discovery is enabled this behavior is expected. ResolutionWhen we perform File-Based Discovery - CPU Usage spiking is expected because we continue probing for files using this process.File base Discovery has provided some features for us to find a sweet spot. Since this is expected, our next steps were to make sure this process is not using the majority of the CPU resources while this is running.To have the CPU usage under control we made the following changes to the file-based discovery. Reduce the File throttle to 100Improve sleep time to 20 secAdjust PATH if there are any specific recommendation If we observer the spike even after the changes please try to reduce the file throttle even more and increase the sleep time do this till you find a proper value where CPU spike is not observed. Sleep time -- Length of time to sleep in milliseconds during each throttling interval while scanning for Windows files. The default is 10000.File throttle -- Number of files to scan on windows before sleeping. Default is 500.