CMDB Remediation rule - Staleness - How to automatically close the taskSummaryThis KB demonstrate how to create a CMDB Remediation rule to automatically run Remediation and close the task (stale_ci_remediation)InstructionsFollow instructions on the doc below to create a workflow and a CMDB Remediation rule Create CMDB remediation rule Note: For the workflow 1> It's necessary to use "run script" activity to run: current.state = 3; This is to set the task (stale_ci_remediation) Closed Complete (This is different to the duplicate remediation, which closes the task automatically after duplicates are deleted) 2> In the property of the workflow, when condition matches, none should be selected. This is because the workflow does not to start on its own. Instead it is launched by business rule. For the CMDB remediation rule 1> Task type should be: Stale CI Remediation [stale_ci_remediation] 2> Execution should be Automatic