How to access and edit the email template that is used to notify users after a password resetIssue This document explains how to access and edit subflow "Send Email After Change Password" which is responsible for sending the email is used to notify users after a password reset.Resolutiona) If the password reset is using Flow Designer (After password reset, at field navigator "Flow Designer" -> "Today Execution", if there is matching record to the password reset that just performed): The email content is located in Subflow "Send Email After Change Password" You can navigate to Flow Designer -> Designer -> Subflow -> Send Email After Change Password You can make a copy of subflow as backup "backup_send_email_subflow.png" before modify existing. b) If the password reset is using Workflow: The email contents is resided in workflow "Pwd Change - Main" -> Run Script section You double click the "Run Script" and you will see the contents To modify the contents, you need to checkout the workflow.