Certificates are getting updated everyday Issue Without any apparent customization, certificate records are being updated on a daily basis as seen in in the next link: https://instance-name.service-now.com/sys_certificate_list.do?sysparm_query=sys_updated_by%3Dsystem&sysparm_view=ReleaseAllCauseOOB, the instance checks and calculates the expiration of certificates through business rule(s) and Schedule Job(s)ResolutionThe next records are responsible for the related behaviour: Scheduled job: Check certificate expirationhttps://instance-name.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_trigger.do?sys_id=497e2c13c0a8006f00e41cf250d89505 Business Rule: Calculate expires in dayshttps://instance-name.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=sys_script.do?sys_id=493f8965c0a8006f0061e4560215dc1e Every time the scheduled job runs, it updates the 'sys_certificate' record and causes the business rule to run the calculation for the 'expires_in_days' field. For more information about certificates, please refer to our documentation page Certificates to establish secure connections and validate signatures.