User can face MFA while raising clone request even though the user has set the "Enable Multifactor Authentication" to falseIssue There can be situations where user can face issue while creating a clone target, one of the reasons being MFA being enabled on the target instance. For an user with admin role, even though "Enable Multifactor Authentication" is set to false in the sys_user table, the issue can still persist.Cause"Role based multi-factor authentication" Multi-factor Criteria record would be set to active in the instance for the role admin, preventing admin user from login without MFA. Type multi-factor criteria in the navigation bar.Check for "Role based multi-factor authentication" record.Open the record and check for the roles under this criteria.Admin role being under this criteria, admin user will be forced for MFA. ResolutionDisabling this record would allow the admin user to add the clone target.Once the clone is completed, this record can be re-activated.