Windows - OS Server and Linux Server pattern failing with, Abandoned due to too many errorsIssue The Windows - OS Server and Linux Server pattern failing on a Discovery Schedule. Running the discovery schedule multiple times throws errors for different servers each time. Even though the payload seems to be correct, in the pattern logs, we can see similar errors for both the Windows and Linux servers. Check For Output Payload Errors2020-06-24 11:43:46: Identification CI Errors:Abandoned due to too many errors, Abandoned due to too many errors2020-06-24 11:43:46: Identifier: Identification CI Errors:Abandoned due to too many errors, Abandoned due to too many errors In the node logs we could see the following error:- 13:14:10.593 Warning worker.2 worker.2 txid=62e81221db4e WARNING *** WARNING *** Attempted create of mutex IDENTIFICATION_ENGINE failed : com.glide.db.GlideSQLException: FAILED TRYING TO EXECUTE ON CONNECTION glide.30 (connpid=652178): INSERT INTO sys_mutex (`sys_id`,`sys_updated_by`,`system_id`,`sys_created_on`,`name`,`sys_mod_count`,`sys_updated_on`,`sys_created_by`) VALUES('2ae89221db4e10108812644a4b9619fa','disc_dev_mid_1','available','2020-07-16 20:14:10','IDENTIFICATION_ENGINE',0,'2020-07-16 20:14:10','disc_dev_mid_1') /* dev1001, gs:glide.scheduler.worker.2, tx:62e81221db4e10108812644a4b9619de */Unique Key violation detected by database ((conn=652178) Duplicate entry 'IDENTIFICATION_ENGINE' for key 'name')ReleaseSeen in Orlando.CauseThe main cause for this issue in this case was due to a system property "glide.identification_engine.distributed_locking" set to false.ResolutionThe solution to this issue is to set the system property "glide.identification_engine.distributed_locking" to 'true' or remove it since Out of the box this property is supposed to be 'true'.Related LinksProperties for Identification and Reconciliation