How to set up Twilio SpokeDescriptionBasically the Twilio Spoke is used to send SMS, make voice calls, create conference calls, manage calls, manage short codes, notify services, and messaging services.Instructions 1. We need to ensure that we have the Following plugin install. Integration Hub ServiceNow IntegrationHub Runtime (com.glide.hub.integration.runtime)ServiceNow IntegrationHub Action Template - Data Stream (com.glide.hub.action_type.datastream)ServiceNow IntegrationHub Action Step - REST ( 2. We need to have a Twilio Account AccountSid and AuthToken of the account to create a Basic Auth credential. 3. Install the Twilio Spoke. Go to System Definition -> plugin > type "Twilio spoke" 4. Click Install 5. Once the installation is complete , on your instance you should see something like below 6. Navigate to Integration Hub -> Connections & Credentials -> Connections & Credentials Aliases and confirm if the Twilio Aliases are there. There should be 3 of them namely: Twilio Base Twilio NotifyTwilio Messaging 7. Create the Credential Profile. NOTE: You must create three credential records for the Twilio spoke one each for Twilio Base, Twilio Notify, and Twilio Messaging. Each credential should be associated with the respective Twilio API.Navigate to Integration Hub > Connections & Credentials > Credentials > New > Basic Credential and create a new credential profile. See an example below: NOTE: The username is the Twilio Account SID password is the Twilio Auth token which you need to get from Twilio. 8. Create a Connection profile NOTE: You must create three connectionrecords for the Twilio spoke one each for Twilio Base, Twilio Notify, and Twilio Messaging. Each credential should be associated with the respective Connection alias and Connection URL.Navigate to Integration Hub > Connections & Connections> New. See example below: For the Twilio Base you need to specify the connection URL as: and you also need to specify the Twilio Account SID For the Twilio Msg you need to specify the connection URL as: and set the version and pagesize For the Twilio Notify you need to specify the connection URL as: and set the version and pagesize 9. Check the Connection and Credential Alias and see if the Connection profile is correctly associated to the Alias. See the below example (for the Twilio Base alias): 10. Please ensure that you clear cache of your instance after this set up. 11. Your Twilio spoke is ready to be used. Additional InformationYou can also check the article on How to use the Send SMS action in Twilio Spoke.