Intermittently, request item service catalogue notification does not get sentIssue This issue exists in a context where a custom notification is created that sends out an email to notify that a request item was created for a 'requested for' user. When a recipient "Request.Requested_for" is added as the only one recipient, intermittently, the Email does not get sent with state shown as ignored. Note that the recipient is a 'dot walk' to the related Request record that contains the field 'Requested_for" If there are other recipients, the email would get sent out but the requested for recipient would e missing. ReleaseAnyCauseThis issue is caused because of the timing sequence when events are processed Event "sc_request.inserted" can get processed around 4 or 5 seconds after event "sc_req_item.inserted". Therefore, at the time the event "sc_req_item.inserted" gets processed, the related request record does not have the requested for value yet and the email cannot be sent if no recipient exists, ResolutionIn a scenario when you are using the service catalogue and a custom notification that has a 'dot walked' recipient to the related Request record, then use the following workaround. Edit the out of the box workflow "Service Catalog Request" as show below Add a new Timer activity (default settings) after the Begin Activity and 'the X=Set Values' activity